10 Day Residential Programme!
06/03/22 - 16/03/22
Manna House Health Education & Wellness is a community interest company that works with people to improve their health. Manna House has been using natural health principles to help the body heal itself. It was established in2017 for the purpose of educating people in the principles and laws of healthful living. Manna House focuses on educating people to ascertain the cause of disease, change unhealthful conditions, correct wrong habits, and assist nature in her effort to expel impurities and to restore right conditions in the body. Natural remedies, in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, are an effective means of ameliorating many of today’s health conditions. However, to do so it is important for all impurities to be cleansed from our body. For this reason our programmes are specifically focused on body detoxification, rebuilding health and educating for eternity.
Manna House is led by a team of trained medical missionaries who come with a range of professional backgrounds from nurses to doctors to plant based cooks and spiritual counsellors and others. What we all have in common is a love for God and a desire for people to have Perfect Health. In order to have Perfect Health we need Perfect Circulation, True Temperance, and Love, Joy and Hope.
Join us today on a journey to Perfect Health.