How Women's Ministries at Bristol Central Church are meeting the needs of women feeling anxious during these uncertain times.

In April 2020 after the country went into its first lockdown and churches were closed, the Bristol Central Women’s Ministries Team had a meeting to see how we could meet the needs of our women who were going through anxious times due to fear of the unknown. We agreed that on a Sunday afternoon, at 4.00 pm, women would come and meet on Zoom, in a relaxed atmosphere and bring along a cup of tea or whatever drink they bring, and then someone would share a short devotion, or anything from finances, menopause, mental health, looking after children and afterwards, we would share our anxieties and prayer petitions and pray.
'We agreed that on a Sunday afternoon, at 4.00 pm, women would come and meet on Zoom, in a relaxed atmosphere and bring along a cup of tea.'
This has been going on since the 3rd of May 2020. Every Sunday afternoon at 4.00 pm, without fail, women from all walks of life, come and gather at the feet of Jesus and we listen and learn, and yes, we have grown. We have learnt how to pray together, how to cry together and how to celebrate together. It’s a welcoming environment, we are all sisters in Christ learning and growing together.
The following are some of the comments that some women have said about A Cuppa with Jesus:
“A Cuppa with Jesus forces me to pause on a Sunday afternoon
and connect to other women and my Lord. It is an oasis on a Sunday
afternoon that leaves me refreshed and ready for the working week
ahead. I praise God for this ministry and all the ladies who make it
happen”. Sis Gloria L. (Peterborough)
“Sitting at ‘A Cuppa with Jesus’ to me is like being in the shoes of that
woman at the well. He is the only one who knows everything about me.
I sit and listen, and I trust Him wholeheartedly in His teachings to lead me
In my life journey” Sis Victoria K M (Newbold Church)
“A Cuppa with Jesus to me is a source of inspiration and strength in these uncertain times. A time and place where I am encouraged through prayers,
testimonies and devotionals” Sis Mercy M K (Handsworth Birmingham).
“A Cuppa with Jesus for me has been reviving, encouraging, soothing,
a time for healing and consolation. I find the environment very inviting,
genuinely welcoming. I pray that God will keep A Cuppa with Jesus going
from strength to strength” Sis Flossie K (Nottingham)
“A Cuppa with Jesus is like putting icing on the cake. It has provided a
positive space and environment where women share, learn and get closer
to God while listening to different speakers. I have grown and feel empowered
and equipped in the last year. It has taken my spiritual life on another level
and I have developed both spiritually, emotionally and physically in the year
it has been going on. May God bless the ministry. Sis Janet L (Bristol)